How to read the results of a complete blood test (CBC) analysis and the meaning of symbols and natural ratios and causes of height or decline - Health Care For Her
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How to read the results of a complete blood test (CBC) analysis and the meaning of symbols and natural ratios and causes of height or decline

How to read the results of a complete blood test (CBC) analysis and the meaning of symbols and natural ratios and causes of height or decline

How to read the results of a complete blood test (CBC) analysis and the meaning of symbols and natural ratios and causes of height or decline

I searched the Internet for the meanings of symbols and natural ratios and how to read the correct results of the full blood analysis or so-called CBC , and wanted to share with the readers of the Code of Health and beauty to benefit everyone.

CBC = complete blood count Complete blood count

I will show them to you just as they are arranged in a paper as a result of the examination

WBC = white blood cell = Mean number of white blood cells

It is responsible for defending the body against bacteria and viruses
There are five types of white balls, neutrophils, lymphocytes
, eosinophils, monocytes and basophils

Causes of increase in white blood cell count:

1 - during pregnancy and childbirth: and is considered a physiological increase.
2 - infections with microbes such as tonsillitis.
Infection with viruses.
4 - infection parasites.
5- Skin Allergy.
6. appendicitis.
7 - inflammation of the kidney basin.
8. Tuberculosis.
9 - Cancer tumors and leukemia.

Reasons for lack of white blood cells:

1 - infection with some viruses.
2. Lupus erythematosus.
3. Liver or spleen disease.
4- Tefood and barativod.
5 - the failure of the bone marrow.
6. Exposure to radiation.

The normal range is between (4.10 - 11.20)

RBC = red blood cell = means the number of red blood cells

Causes of increase in red blood cell count:

2. Lack of oxygen.
3. Severe drought such as severe diarrhea.
Congenital heart disease.
5. Pulmonary fibrosis.
6 - kidney disease.
7 - the presence of some types of abnormal hemoglobin.

Causes of Red Blood Cell Deficiency:

1 - acute bleeding.
Iron deficiency.
3. Folic acid deficiency and vitamin B12.
4 - bone marrow failure.
5- Leukemia.

The normal range is between (4.10 - 11.20)

HGB = Hemoglobin = Hemoglobin concentration in the blood

It is a protein that contains an element of iron found in the blood.

The increase or decrease in the concentration of hemoglobin indicates a sign or indication of a disease requiring more examination

Hypoglycemia is less than normal in:
(Multiple Anemia - during pregnancy)

The increase in the concentration of hemoglobin from the normal rate occurs in:
Blood redness
Increase in the number of red blood cells

The normal range is between (117.0 - 155.0) g / L

HCT = Hematocrit = mass of blood cells

Increase the rate of hematocrit index on both:

1 - redness of blood .. Polycythaemia.
2 - Heart disease .. Heart disease
Lung disease.
3. Dehydration.
Burns cases.
Low rate of hematocrit indicator on:
(Anemia - pregnancy - leukemia).
The normal range is: (0.1450 - 0.4630) L / L

MCV = Mean Corpuscular Volume = Mean size of red blood cells

If your MCV reading is small (less than 80)
That is, your blood cells are small. You carry a type of anemia called microcytic
Which most often express iron deficiency anemia
It may also express anemia caused by chronic diseases, thalassemia and others
Note: In cases of iron deficiency anemia, MCV is always associated with another drop in hemoglobin)

· If your MCV reading is normal (between 80 and 100)
That is, the size of your blood cells is normal.
But hemoglobin is always low.
You are suffering from anemia called normocytic which is often produced from:
Acute bleeding
2 - some chronic diseases
3. Hemolytic anemia
4. Anemia caused by aplastic anemia

If your MCV reading is too large (greater than 100)

That is, the red blood cells are large. This anemia is called macrocytic anemia.
Which mostly indicate a type of anemia called Megaloblastic anemia

This type results from a deficiency either in:
Folic acid (folic acid)
2. Vitamin B12 (vitamin B12)
3. Or both
This deficiency is due to lack of food or poor absorption
Macrocytic anemia can also be caused by hypothyroidism,
Liver diseases, alcoholism, and side effects of certain drugs

The normal range is between (80.4 - 95.9) fL

MCH = Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin =

The amount of hemoglobin in red blood cells

Cross the MCH

For the amount of hemoglobin in the red blood cell
It is important in diagnosing some types of anemia.

Decreased MCH value
Means a decrease in the amount of hemoglobin in the kidney

The normal range is between (27.20- 33.50) pg

MCHC = Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin Concentration = 
Average concentration of hemoglobin concentration in red blood cells

MCHC helps diagnose various types of anemia.
Lack of concentration of MCHC

Hypochromia is known as anemia
Iron deficiency
Iron deficiency anemia.
The normal range is between (325.5 - 352.0) g / L

PLT = Platelet Count = Number of platelets

Play an important role in blood clotting, and lack leads to bleeding under the skin or joints or bleeding brain, for example

Platelets are the smallest blood cells and have an important role in blood clotting and protection from bleeding.
Therefore, the low number of people exposed to bleeding in any part of the body.

The normal range of platelets varies between
150,000 - 400,000 / mm3

RDW-SD = Red Cel Distribution Width =

Measuring the distribution of red blood cells

An increase in the normal rate indicates a change in cell size
It is specialized in knowing the causes of anemia
Its results are often used with MCV ,
To know the causes of anemia
Vitamin B12 deficiency produces large m cells with normal size of RDW
The normal range is between (11.6%) and 15%

MPV = Mean Paltelet Volume Measuring average platelet volume

Platelets are an integral part of the body's defense system and repair the body's system

Is specialized in determining whether there are problems in the production of platelets in the bone marrow
Lack of platelets means leukemia, bone marrow cancer

The normal range is between (6.50 - 11.60) fL
Or 7.4 (10.4) K / UL

This section is specialized in white blood cells

NEUT = Neutrophil = low nitrovil = serious bacterial infection

The increase in the number of neutral cells is called Neutrophilia

1. Causes or conditions are unsatisfactory

- Newborns
- Strong muscular effort
- During the last months of pregnancy
- Nervous tension

2. Causes or conditions such as:

- Poisoning cases (internal poisoning such as urina - external lead poisoning or cortisone or carbon monoxide)
- General infections such as diphtheria and pneumonia.
- Cancerous tumors, non-lymphoma white blood.
- tonsillitis and appendicitis.
- Heavy bleeding.

The decrease in the number of neutral cells is called Neutropenia

Infection with viral diseases such as measles and influenza.
- Typhoid fever
Maltese Brucellosis.
- Tuberculosis caused by bacteria.
- Anemia caused by vitamin B12 deficiency and folic acid deficiency.
Decreased bone marrow activity
- Because of exposure to radiation or multiple tumors.
- toxins that lead to a decline in bone marrow such as arsenic, sulfa drugs, and benzene.
- Drugs are the cause in most cases and the most famous of these drugs are as follows:
Anti-thyroid, anti-epileptic, anti-diabetic, anticoagulant, anti-histamine, anti-malaria, anti-tuberculosis, some antibiotics

Normal range between: (2 - 6.9) K / UL

Lymphocytes = lymphocytes


The increase in the number of lymphocytes is known as lymphocytosis

- Some infections in children such as measles, influenza and whooping cough
- Typhoid, fever and Maltese fever
Viral hepatitis
- Inflammation of the lymph nodes
- Lymphatic leukemia

The decrease in the number of lymphocytes is known as lymphocytopenia

- Take some drugs such as anti-cancer
- Cases of acute or chronic urinary poisoning
- Taking cortisone therapy
Exposure to radiation

Normal range between: (0.6 - 4) K / UL

MONO = Monocyte = number of single-core cells

The increase in the number of monocytes is known as monocytosis

- Bacterial infection such as TB, Tuvoid, or Maltese fever

- Infection of single-core parasites such as malaria Malaria.

- Chronic ulcers and ulcers.
- Some tumors.

The decrease in the number of monocyte cells is known as Monocytopenia

- Lack of vitamin B12 and folic acid.
Leukemia Leukemia.
- Aplastic anemia.

Normal Range: 0.9> K / UL

EO = Eosinophil = number of acid cells

1. Has a direct relationship to the sensitivity of this believed to absorb the histamine caused by allergies and also prevents the effect of toxic substances and proteins entering the body.

2. Has a role in blood clot It is thought to secrete a substance called Plasminogen or Profibrin olysin

Which is converted into Fibrinolysin which is an enzyme that works to digest the fibrosis of clotted blood

The increase in the number of acid cells is known as Eosinophila:

- Infections parasites such as schistosomiasis, anxlostoma, and malaria.

- Skin diseases such as eczema, psoriasis, scabies and others.

- Allergies such as asthma.

- Non-lymphatic leukemia.

- The use of certain drugs such as penicillin.

- Malignant tumors.

Decreased number of acid cells known as Eosinopenia:

Stress / Shock / Burns.

- Taking cortisone therapy.

- After surgery

Normal Range: 0.5> K / UL

BASO = Basophils = number of basal cells

1. Form and release heparin into the blood that prevents blood clotting as well as freeing fat from blood.

2. It is directly related to allergies. It produces or absorbs histamine.

The increase in the number of basal cells is known as Basophilia:

Chronic white leukemia.
Decreased thyroid activity.
- After the removal of the spleen.

The reduction in the number of basal cells is known as Basopenia:

Increase thyroid activity.
- Acute infections.
- Cortisone therapy.

Normal Range: 0.2> K / UL

Important note:

  • The rates are relatively normal between each laboratory or laboratory for analysis and another, and also in terms of age and sex of the patient (man / woman).
  • In cases where results are slightly increased or decreased (not severe) than normal rates, this is not a concern because they are affected by some external and temporal effects. These rates may change if you check again a few days later.

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