Six Foods Eliminate High Cholesterol In Blood - Health Care For Her
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Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Six Foods Eliminate High Cholesterol In Blood

Six Foods Eliminate High Cholesterol In Blood

It is not necessary to enjoy good health. To deprive yourself of your favorite foods. By adding just six types of foods to your daily diet, you can eliminate cholesterol, the main cause of heart disease.

Six Foods Eliminate High Cholesterol

What is cholesterol?

Cholesterol is a sticky, semi-fatty, white-colored, odorless and odorless substance found in blood and all parts of the human body.

Cholesterol is classified as fat because it dissolves and does not dissolve in water. Cholesterol is naturally found in the brain, nerves, liver, blood and bile.

Cholesterol is necessary for proper functioning of the body. It is responsible for building and growing cells, and it helps in secreting some of the necessary hormones in the body.

According to a recent study published in The Daily Mail, the six foods are fiber, olive oil, soy milk, nuts, oats and yogurt.

With the help of dietitian Dr. Sarah Schenker, the newspaper explained the appropriate amounts needed to take advantage of these elements during the daily diet program.

Strong scientific evidence has shown that some foods rich in fiber, such as beans, pulses or oats , prevent the absorption of cholesterol in the blood. There is also evidence that certain types of fiber such as bran and oats actually reduce the amount of cholesterol produced by the liver.

In addition, some foods, such as walnuts, olives and rapeseed oils , help reduce the damage that bad type of LDL cholesterol can cause to the body.

Studies have shown a reduction in LDL cholesterol, the bad type, by up to 20% in three months when a good diet is committed containing the six elements mentioned above.

The newspaper last week revealed some foods that can lower cholesterol with exclusive extracts from a book for prescriptions for nutritionist Dr. Sarah Schenker.

The risk of heart disease depends on a number of factors other than cholesterol, including genetic predisposition, smoking, diabetes, high blood pressure, lack of exercise, and obesity.

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