Gynecomastia - Health Care For Her
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Monday, May 28, 2018



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Source expression Gynecomastia (Gynecomastia) from the Greek and means: gyn-woman, mastos-breasts, female breasts, it depicts the State of benign enlarged breast tissue in men, on one side or on both sides.
Epidemiology (Epidemiology): the phenomenon of Gynecomastia in men is the source of 60% of problems concerning breast man, and 85% of tangible blocks in a breast man. May appear in any generation, but 40% of cases of adolescent appears in generation 14 to 15, 5 years, hormonal background, as a result of certain medications or without any known background (75% of cases).
Scientific background: breast tissue grown and grow under the influence of estrogen (female hormone) and shrink under the influence of testosterone (male hormone). Normally, both the hormones are of both sexes. The testosterone level in men is higher than the level of estrogen, women have the opposite. If you changed the proportion between these hormones for estrogen, breast tissue but he is cold.
Symptoms of excess localized fat men: lump in the breast is growing. A third of these blocks can be felt by touch. In one third of cases showing inflation on one side. The cluster is usually in the center of the breast, but may also appear in the side.

Treatment of Gynecomastia: first you must know the reason for his treatment. You must take into consideration that in 75% of cases did not find the reason. Most patients go to a plastic surgeon as a result of embarrassment caused by the female breast. Gynecomastia treatment is through surgery. In General, surgery under anesthesia . There are many options for surgery. If Gynecomastia is breast gland enlarged, composite out through glandular slit is set on the edge of the nipple. Fade the scar from the operation over the years. If as a result of the enlarged breast adipose trailing, suction is performed for these fats. There are cases where Gynecomastia caused by fatty tissue and glandular compound, then open hysterectomy is performed with suction of fat. There's another consideration in choosing the quality of surgery and is related to the amount of excess skin. Surgeon decides whether there is a need to remove the skin, add to the gland.

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